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Touring in Malay Peninsula

Johor Bahru to Kuala Lumpur
1855年天猛公(Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim)把他位於新加坡的行政中心, 遷至柔佛南部建立新都, 他的兒子阿布峇卡(Abu Bakar), 於1866年把它改稱為新山(Johor Bahru), 並於1885年登基為柔佛天猛公王朝第一任蘇丹,在其管理和華商黃亞福的協助下,新山迅速的發展。 對新山華人來說,農曆正月二十柔佛古廟遊神之後,“過年”才完滿結束。一連三天的遊神活動,是本地一年一度既莊嚴又狂歡的日子。 This year it estimated 15,000 people attending the event. We only got to see 2 Gods passing by.

Click to see 新山市區 Johor Bahru downtown pictures
Also see: Visiting Johor Bahru 新山 Post

From Johor Bahru, we took a bus to go to Kuala Lumpur. My never-met cousin's son picked us up and showed us some landscapes of KL though sometimes in the rain. We didn't stay at KL but drove directly to Sekinchan. It took 1 1/2 hour to get there and meet my never-met relatives.
Kuala Selangor: To see Monkeys and Fireflies
Kuala Selangor is about 18 miles from Sekinchan. My niece, her husband and my cousin took us there. The main purpose is to see Kelip-Kelip (fireflies). We were taken on a boat ride along the Selangor River where the fireflies inhibit around the branches of the “Berembang” trees along the riverbank. Here, up to thousands of fireflies may group together on a tree, beginning their specular display after sunset. However, our camera could not capture the light of the fireflies but a group of monkeys playing at playground.

Click to see Going to Kuala Lumpur pictures
Click to see Kuala Selangor pictures
Also see: 適耕莊-魚米之鄉 Post

檳城: Destination Penang
Leaving Sekinchan, which is at a remote location, instead of going back to Kuala Lumpur, we took a bus going north. The bus was one hour late. It kept picking up passengers at surrounding cities. We didn't have idea where it was going. Finally, it went on highway and drove directly to Butterworth, a city across Penang island. We took a ferry to cross the sea and arrived at Penang downtown.

Click to see Destination Penang 檳城 pictures
Click to see Extreme Happy Temple極樂寺 pictures
Click to see Penang Buddha Temples pictures
Click to see Peranakan 峇峇娘惹 Museum pictures
峇峇娘惹 (Baba Nyonya) 是十五世紀在南洋,海峽殖民地所衍生的獨特文化。峇峇娘惹據說始於鄭和低達馬六甲皇朝後,保送中國公主漢麗寶下嫁給馬六甲蘇丹,隨之跟著抵達南洋的商人和隨從與當地馬來土族通婚的後代。他們既保留了一定程度的祖傳文化,同時也接受了一些馬來土族的習俗。在英殖時代,他們多是富甲的商人,也受到了英國高官的器重,所以他們也融入了英式的生活習慣。

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