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Stop at Taiwan & Beijing 台灣、北京

第二天早晨到達北京機場,北京這裡非常冷,負5度,沒到外面去,只留在酒店。 天冷地凍, 上午6:30已經有很多人。 到台北的是小飛機, 抵達台北,冷和濕,溫度8度。 Click to see Beijing-Taipei pictures. Our first stop in Taiwan (Jan. 16-25). We went to Southeast Asia until Feb. 26. Stop over Bangkok: click to see To Bangkok and Singapore pictures.

Taiwan first stop: 九份位於台灣東北部,臨山靠海,與基隆山遙遙相望;整個小鎮座落於山坡地上也因此形成了獨特的山坡和階梯式建築景觀。 九份早期因為盛產金礦而興盛,礦坑挖掘殆盡後從而沒落。 1990年代後,因電影《悲情城市》一片於九份取景,九份的獨特舊式建築、坡地以及風情透過此片而吸引國內外的注目,也為此小鎮重新帶來生機,目前已經成為一個很受歡迎的觀光景點。
Click to see Taiwan Jiufen 九份 pictures

鶯歌北面山脈斜坡有一顆如鸚巨石,被稱為「鸚哥石」,「鷹哥石」、「鶯哥」、「鶯歌」。 傳說此奇石常吐霧食人,而當鄭成功領軍經過此地時,被瘴氣所阻擾,士兵被食,於是砲打巨石使其瘴氣散,而得以進軍,此為鶯歌人家喻戶曉的傳說,而鶯歌地名也由山上奇石而來。 鶯歌區最著名的特產即是陶瓷工藝。相傳清朝嘉慶年間吳岸、吳糖、吳曾等人來此,發現鄰近的尖山地區盛產黏土,遂於此設窯製陶。 清代與日本統治時代當地居民所從事的行業以農業為主、陶瓷業為輔。到了戰後時期,陶瓷業漸能與農業分庭抗禮;近一、二十年間陶瓷業已取代農業成為當地標誌,以盛產各類陶器著名。
Click to see Taiwan Yingge 鶯歌 pictures

Click to see Taipei Flower Expo 花博 pictures
Click to see Taipei Beitou 北投 pictures
Click to see Taipei Bitan 碧潭 pictures
Click to see Night Market 師大夜市 pictures -said to be the best in Taiwan.
Click to see Taipei Shopping Eating pictures -first 3 pictures were shot at a vegetarian restaurant.

Taiwan second stop: The weather was much warmer and we stayed for 2 weeks and saw early spring flower blooming. George and Susan were also in Taipei. Together, we went to 貓空杏花林. Though it passed the full bloom, but 春色仍滿園. We were told by them to go to 觀賞天元宮櫻花 because they had done so.

淡水: Danshui, Taiwan
淡水天元宮, 觀賞吉野櫻花; 漁人碼頭, 眺望觀音山, 浪漫情人橋.
We took a bus from 淡水 to go to 天元宮. It is the right time for 觀賞櫻花 and was very crowed, and it had a traffic jam. Only in afternoon, we could get back to 淡水 river bank. We took a boat to go to 漁人碼頭. Wow! I never knew Taipei have this kind of place and didn't know there is a 情人橋 there. Later we came back to see the old town of 淡水.
Click to see 天元宮櫻 pictures
Click to see 漁人碼頭 pictures
Click to see 流浪到淡水 pictures

貓空 摩天輪: Maokong and Miramar's Ferris Wheel
We went to see George and Susan's "home" after Maokong sightseeing. At night we ate at nearby Miramar's food court and took a ride on its Ferris Wheel 摩天輪. The whole thing inspired George wrote his wife-loving poems. The food in below album are vegetarian dishes.
Click to see Taipei Maokong 貓空 pictures
Click to see Miramar Ferris Wheel 摩天輪 pictures
Click to see Flowers and Food, Taiwan pictures

綠世界: Green World Ecological Farm, Taiwan
綠世界生態農場位於新竹北埔,佔地七十多公頃, 提供天鵝湖、大探奇區、水生植物、鳥類生態、蝴蝶生態、生物多樣性探索等六種主題公園.

Click to see All pictures

Return to USA: 北京 Beijing in Winter
Beijing is the last leg of our trip 兩岸三地旅遊 (see post below). Inside the housing complex where we stayed, each town house (in 8th-15th pictures inside album) is selling for US$3.5 millions as I was told. We went to a nearby yellow earth highland restaurant for lunch which was very cheap.

Click to see 北京 in Winter pictures

My after-thought poem for this trip:
[寒風暴雨] by wee-yong
A friend suggested to go to Death Valley (偏地) to see 野花. Next time I need 99天走透透 to avoid the cold in Bay Area.

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九寨溝地震後,可能再也看不到同樣的景色。 我們2004年去了九寨溝, 雖然過去的視頻不如現在,但出現在我的視頻上的九寨溝真美麗, 你可以看到小龍女在諾日朗瀑布瀑布前面演出。那時候我還不會用中文寫帖子事, 有興趣請看下面: Trip to China - Jiuzhaigou 九寨溝 2004

東北(含秦皇島和承德)+ 首爾 之旅 Northeast China + Seoul 2019 10 posts - 哈爾濱 Harbin,長春 Changchun,敦化-長白山 Dunhua-Changbai Mountain,瀋陽 本溪水洞 Shengyang BenxiShuidong,新樂文化 紅山文化 Xinle & Hongshan Cultures,旅順 大連 Lushun Dalian,秦皇島 山海關 Qinhuangdao Shanhai-Pass,承德 金山嶺長城 Chengde Jinshanling Great Wall,韓國首爾之旅 Seoul Trip
寧夏、崆峒山之旅 Ningxia Kongtongshan Trip 2019 4 posts - 寧夏崆峒山照片、視頻 Pictures, Videos; 寧夏 Pre-trip Videos; 西夏消失到川西; 四川甘孜的木雅族
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Vietnam-China Tour 中越祕境九日之旅 2014 1 post
Taipei 台北吃樂玩(系列之一)2014 +太平洋蘭花展 1 post
Singapore 新加坡遊 2012 - 快樂的新加坡 + 住食在新加坡
Eat & Live in Malaysia 食住在馬來西亞 2012 + Visiting Sabah 沙巴 2013
China Tours 2012 雲南紅土地 4 posts - Qujing,Dongchuan,Redland 曲靖市,東川市區,紅土地高原
China Tours 2012 雲南~興義 6 posts - Kunming,Yuanyang Terraced Field,Puzhehei,Luoping,Xingyi(Guizhou)昆明市,元陽梯田,普者黑,羅平,貴州興義市
Tours to Asia 59天走透透 2011 6 posts - Beijing,Taiwan,Singapore,Johor Bahru,Kuala Lumpur,Sekinchan,Kuala Selangor,Penang,Langkawi
兩岸三地旅遊: 北京,台灣,新加坡,新山,吉隆坡,適耕莊,瓜拉雪蘭莪,檳城,蘭卡威
Tours in China 中國30天走透透 2010 9 posts - Yellow River 黃河 黃帝故里,Ancient Capital Ruin Yinxu 殷墟遺址,Han Guangwu Empeor 漢光武帝,Luoyang 洛陽,Song Emperors 宋仁宗,宋真宗陵墓,Fujian Tulou 福建土樓,Jiangnan 春遊江南好風光,Xinyi 信宜大圍村
Tours in China 中國28天走透透 2009 6 poste - Shanxi 山西 Great Wall 長城,Yunnan 雲南,Wuyishan 武夷山,Xinyi 信宜,Baishi 白石 Villages
Tour to Asia 2008 5 posts - Kuching (古晉),Kuilin (桂林),Shenzhen,Sun Moon Lake (日月潭),Tour Video
Trip to China - Jiuzhaigou 九寨溝 2004
Trip to China - Zhangjiajie 張家界 2004 + Huanglong,Chengdu,Sichuan,Changsa,etc+videos
Trip to Phuket Island, Taiwan 2003 December
Trip to Cambodia 2003 July
Trip to Lian Shui, China 2002 September

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